Saturday, January 24, 2009

History of the Future

History of the Future
Hello again,

So I read this blog by a man named Christopher Moore,click here to take a look at it, and I read a post called "To the Nines-reviewing the centuries". Our third assignment was to think about what will be of Canada 2109. Here's what I thought...

-We will barely be able to identify where a person is from, there are already many immigrants coming to Canada and getting married in Canada so we already have many children come from 2 or 3 or even 4 different backgrounds. I really do think that people believe that racism will end, this seems a very,very long time away and maybe we won't ever get rid of racism and prejudice but we can keep ourselves from saying certain things and open up our minds, as so many of us have already done.

-I also think that the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States will pave the way for presidents of all different races to be elected and provide their amazing ideas to countries.

-Technology will go a long way. We already have iPhones and iPods and with almost every new technological invention or discovery there is a new health concern. I think that technology will advance so rapidly that we won't be able to keep up with it. "Family time" has already become sitting around the television for so many families so what will "family time" be with all this new technology?

-I do believe that there will be more advances in the building of robots. Thinking about robots is kind of creepy for me because I think of parents working long hours to provide for their families and their kids being a little lonely, especially if they don't have siblings, and finding friends in artificial intelligences like robots. But I do believe that robots will be able to help hard working people who don't have time to vacuum or do the dishes. I also think that they will make people a little more lazy than they already are.

-We already see self-scan options in LoblawsTM how much more advanced will those become?
They may even replace other jobs with robots and machinery

-Another thing that I see a hundred years from now is kids in very high-tech class rooms. With voice-activated computers, studying how we lived and pointing out things that we could have done to make our country better, just like most classes do now.

-I see more diseases coming, but cures being discovered for cancer and aids and other diseases. I think that in the future, a huge cause of most of the diseases will be pollution and all the things that we use like CLRTM and LysolTM to get rid of bacteria but pollute our lungs at the same time.

-Cars will become less polluting and maybe even produce clean air, by using substitutes for gasoline/petroleum, and maybe SUVs won't be so wanted because people will see you as a gas guzzler.

-More and more animal and plant species will become endangered and then extinct. Plants that could have been able to cure diseases and animals that balanced the food chain.

Over all the future will bring gadgets that make our lives easier and make us, as human beings more advanced, but there will be dangers to us and our planet with so many advances.


  1. Great post Alem! You covered many topics, and I like the way you concluded your assignment.
    Keep it up! :)

  2. Alem,

    This is a wonderful post. It is very thoughtful and contains a lot of different ideas. You have organized it well and it is very easy to read.

    Well done! I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to link to it from my site.

  3. Hi Alem,

    Looking great here! You've done an exceptional job on this assignment and I will direct your peers to it as an example. I hope you don't mind!
